Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The most unforgettable person in my life is...

There are two people in my life that I rely on constantly. The first being my father. He is my role model and rock. My daddy has been there for me through every up and down imaginable. He wrote to me every day while I was in boot camp, and sent me sudoku puzzles so I wouldn't loose all of my wits. My daddy has accompanied me to the emergency room 13 times, and nursed me back to health every time. He is almost my complete opposite. He is introverted and quiet, whereas I can't stop talking and thrive when near others. He is calm and calculated, whereas I am sporadic and anxious all of the time. Regardless my dad raised me to be honest and true to my beliefs. He is a liberal and I am a conservative, but he loves the debates we can have, and respects my values.
The second person I rely on is my best friend Emily. Emily and I have always been there for each other, through bad boyfriends, graduations, our boyfriends' deployments, and everything in between. Emily and I talk every day about everything. She, like my father is incredibly intelligent, and driven. She is my gym buddy and a shoulder to cry on.
Without these two people in my life I would be a mess. To me they are my role models, and my security. Though I have told them numerous times how much I appreciate their presence in my life, I am sure that they do not realize the effect they have had on my life.


  1. I'm glad to hear you have the support of some truly kindhearted individuals in your life. Such a blessing!
    ~Ms. S.~

  2. One...I can't believe you've been to the emergency room 13 times, that sounds horrible. And two, I love the relationship between you and your dad, it sounds really special :)
